Marvel’s Avengers – War Table Weekly Blog – Week #105

Welcome to our Marvel’s Avengers War Table Weekly Blog, where we give you the scoop on game news, patch notes, Marketplace updates, and more!
This week marks Marvel’s Avengers’ 2-Year Anniversary. To thank you for your continued support and excitement for our game, we’re throwing an in-game celebration that puts Tony Stark’s parties to shame.
- From 9/1 to 9/15, several limited-time events are activated! (It’s like a big birthday Tachyon Anomaly!) This includes the Cosmic Threat, Tachyon Anomaly, and Corrupted Vibranium Events.
- It’s not a birthday without a birthday present! This week’s free Marketplace item is our Anniversary Bundle, available until Oct 1. Headlining the bundle is a 7-Day Fragment Extractor, 7-Day Hero Catalyst, and a special 2-Year Anniversary Nameplate! The bundle also includes a variety of your favorite Nameplates, like our series inspired by Marvel Studios’ Thor: Love and Thunder, and Ms. Marvel on Disney+.
- Have you been holding out to get that one Outfit? (You know the one.) Well now’s your chance, because in celebration of our two-year anniversary, we’re throwing our biggest Marketplace sale EVER:
- 50% off Hero Card Activations
- 50% off Hero Card Skips
- 50% off nearly all MCU Outfits
- 50% off all Non-MCU Outfits
- 50% off all Takedowns
- 50% off all Emotes
- 50% off all Nameplates
The sale only runs until 9/15 – don’t miss out!
“By the sacred beard of Odin!” The Mighty Thor’s Thordis Outfit hits the Marketplace today, inspired by the Hero of Earth-788, who defended the world from the Kronan invasion.
Shipments have reset with a returning specialty item: Kate Bishop’s “Stark Tech” Outfit! “Stark Tech” is available from 9/1 to 9/29, and it’s guaranteed when you claim 100 Shipments, which cost 250 Units each.
In addition to our Anniversary Bundle, there’s also a free 2-Hour Hero’s Catalyst you can claim in the Marketplace this week. Don’t miss out!
The Marketplace is a place for us to feature purchasable cosmetics in the form of Outfits, Emotes, Takedowns, and Nameplates. The Marketplace’s Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary items rotate weekly, and can be purchased with Credits.
Amazon Prime Gaming Members: a second Drop containing Hulk goodies has smashed into the scene! Anyone with a Prime Gaming subscription can unlock Hulk’s Maestro Outfit, a Nameplate, a 3-Day Hero Catalyst, and a 3-Day Fragment Extractor for free! Head here to redeem:
ICYMI: Our August Development Update is live, revealing The Winter Soldier as our next playable Hero for all players, a new villain-centric Warzone, and a new Omega– Level Threat: AIM’s Cloning Lab! Check out all the new content coming to the game HERE.
Header Photo Credit to community member GrimheerGaming!