Marvel’s Avengers War Table Weekly Blog Week #64

Welcome to our Marvel’s Avengers WAR TABLE Weekly Blog, where we’ll give you the scoop on news, patch notes, Marketplace updates, and more!
This weekend sees the return of the Cargo Runner Frenzy and Flashback Rewards Cache events! Expect to see more weekend events in the future!
Hey, there goes that golden guy! GET HIM! The Cargo Runner Frenzy is active for the weekend of 11/18 – 11/21. During this time, the chance of encountering a Cargo Runner Synthoid is increased to 50%! The Flashback Rewards Cache has returned as well during this weekend. In addition to the regular rewards, you can also get:
- Legendary Gear: Hero Set B
- 100 x Fragments
- 10 x Upgrade Modules
- Spider-Man has unique traversal options like web-swinging, wall-running, and wall-crawling!
- Want a hint on Spider-Man’s Assault Heroic? Use it for an explosively good time!
Here’s an in-depth written rundown on the changes to Hero perks that Designer Alex Kende went over on stream!
Ms. Marvel
- Stormranger’s Regalia and Stormranger’s Adornments
- Replaced Jarvis with Embiggen Impulse, increasing stun damage while Embiggen’d
- Marvelous Regalia
- Replaced generic regen perk with Valorous Spirit, increasing Allies crit damage when affected by Team Spirit.
- Stormranger’s Coat of Arms, Stormranger’s Crest and Marvelous Body Armor
- Replaced generic regen perk with Support Empowerment, giving a moderate chance to gain an intrinsic burst when activating Team Spirit.
- Stormranger’s Body Armor gets further updates, with both other perks being replaced with Embiggen Blessing (increasing crit chance while Embiggened) and Polymorph Reserve, increasing Ms. Marvel’s max intrinsic energy.
- Marvelous Nega Bands and Marvelous Clasps
- Replaced Jarvis with Polymorphic Superiority, increasing damage from Morning Star and Palm Strike attacks.
Captain America
- Helm of the Super Soldier and Safeguard of the Super Soldier
- Replaced generic regen perk for Brooklyn Brawler Quake, increasing stun damage while BB is active.
- Replaced Rally cry extender (moving to another set) with Brooklyn Brawler Breaker, increasing BB damage.
- Rampart of the Nomad
- Replaced 3rd perk with Eagle’s Cry, increasing Rally Cry duration.
- Stabilizer of the Super Soldier and Conduit of the Super Soldier
- Replaced Defender’s Charge and Captain’s Combo (both of these are ok perks, but are better suited for other sets) with Powered Precision, which increases Powered ranged crit chance. Conduit of the Super Soldier now gets Rally Cry Boon, increasing crit chance of all heroes affected by Rally Cry.
- The Exotic Stabilizer of the Super Soldier will retain Captain’s Combo and we will be looking forward to a new name in the future.
- Superior Mark XV Bastion
- Replaced Jarvis and health regen while overcharged with Skyguard Reprieve, which grants intrinsic energy on picking up health packs, and Restoration Beam, which makes enemies defeated with your Unibeam (not omega beam) drop health packs.
- Centurion’s Mark XV Doom Fists and Centurion’s Mark XIII Muon Gloves
- Replaced weapon rate of fire increase perk (that was not working 100%; we will fix this in the future for another set) with Skyguard Dynamo, which grants bonus intrinsic energy when picking up Heroic orbs.
- Centurion’s Mark XV R.T. Node and Centurion’s Mark XIII Muon Ray
- Replaced missile rate of fire increase (which frustratingly didn’t stack with other perks. This will be fixed in the future. It also is still on Superior Mark XIII Muon Ray.) with Overcharge Breaker, increasing further all damage while overcharged.
- Armor of Asgard’s Scion
- Replaced Jarvis and Evade distance increase with Odinforce Recovery, increasing health regen drastically while Odinforce is active, and Warrior’s Fury’s Impulse, increasing all stun damage while Warrior’s Fury is active.
- Cincture of Asgard’s Scion
- Replaced Jarvis with Aesir’s Blitz, increasing Unarmed damage by 30%.
- Girdle of the Thunderer
- Replaced Odinforce regen perk that wasn’t activating on all attacks with Odin’s Flight, which increases Odinforce regeneration while flying.
- Hilt of Asgard’s Scion
- Replaced Odin’s Flight (which got moved) with Eitri’s Breaker, which increases Hammer damage when used for Melee.
Black Widow
- Natalia’s Cloak and Natalia’s Embrace
- Replaced Jarvis with Stealth Amplifier, increasing status buildup while invisible.
- Red Room Uniform and Red Room Corset
- Replaced evade extension and Dazed Immunity for Stealth Recovery, which drastically increases health regen while invisible, and Leeching Strike, which heals a small portion of max health on attack.
- Natasha’s Coil and Natasha’s Ribbon
- Both replace generic Heroic regen for Leeching Strike. Natasha’s Coil replaces the third regen perk for Arsenal Blessing, increasing weapon critical chance.
- Red Room Grasps
- Replaced Jarvis with Infiltrator’s Vengeance that gives a blanket chance on defeating any enemy to drop an intrinsic orb.
“But Hawkeye, they have a gigantic army of robots, and you have a bow and arrow!”
“Then it is an even fight.”
Inspired by the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Hawkeye’s “Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Age of Ultron” Outfit is available now!
Inspired by the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Panther’s “Marvel Studios’ Captain America: Civil War” Outfit is back in the featured section of the Marketplace!
Remember how the first televisions had dials on them to change the channels? Tune yours to the silver screen with the TV Land Outfits for Black Widow, Captain America, Hulk, and Ms. Marvel!
Take out enemies with pizazz with new Takedowns for Black Panther, Thor, and Captain America!
The Marketplace is a place for us to feature purchasable cosmetics in the form of Outfits, Emotes, Takedowns, and Nameplates. The Marketplace’s Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary items rotate weekly, and can be purchased with Credits.
Social Announcements
Check out articles and announcements you may have missed!
Did you see our first picture of our Spider-Man? It’s beautiful. We’ve looked at this for eight days now. Check out the Spider-Man trailer HERE!
Along with Spider-Man, the Klaw Raid: Discordant Sound arrives on November 30th! Read up on what you can expect from the Raid, Power Level Increase, and Discordant Gear HERE!
Community Challenge
Team up with the global player base to meet mega-goals and unlock rewards.
Goal: 1,250,000 Adaptoids
Reward: 500 Units
Community Spotlight
Check out some awesome screenshots of Black Widow captured by our Community this week using our in-game Photo Mode. Share your artwork on social and tag us @PlayAvengers, and we may feature your epic photos in future blogs!
Digital Photography by Gayming_Avenger
Digital Photography by natcrys
Digital Photography by OuterRimsPhoto
Till next week, we’ll see you online, and in-game!