Marvel’s Avengers War Table Weekly Blog Week #35

Welcome to our Marvel’s Avengers WAR TABLE Weekly Blog, where we’ll give you the scoop on news, patch notes, Marketplace updates, and more!
Hi all! The Tachyon Anomaly event continues! What crazy comps have you enjoyed most? What are your most mayhem-y moments? What unique and special digital photos have you taken? Already you’ve shared with us so many amazing pics and vids. Thank you! We love to see them—keep it up!
This week’s Intel PC build is Ms. Marvel, which captures Kamala Khan’s intrepid spirit that inspires Heroes and fans alike. Check out the build HERE!
- We’re almost ready to give you details on what post-Level 50 progression means. We want Level 50 Heroes to continue gaining XP, but in a more focused way that allows for further customization.
- We’re working on ways to allow players to be able to select the number of Companions that come with them on missions. More updates to follow!
- In our tuning of Omega Level Threats, one thing we want to address is the ability to one-shot kill bosses and ensuring that these fights are challenging to high-Power Level Heroes.
We’re kicking off the Dev Spotlight with Morgan Gray, our Lead Game Director! He sat down with us (virtually, of course) to let us in on some fun facts about himself and what it’s like working as a game dev at Crystal Dynamics.
1. Can you do a quick introduction into who you are and what you do on the team?
I’m Morgan Gray, Lead Game Director. I work with the various creative leads and team members to help make sure our game development is collaborative and focused, and our games are interesting and fun.
2. What other games have you worked on?
Too many to name, Tomb Raider (Legend, Anniversary, Rise), X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance, etc.
3. What got you in your field?
Doom maps ?. I’ve always coded games since I was very young. The mid 90s’ modding scene led to a job in QA, which led to a job in design, and things continued from there.
4. What’s one thing you can talk about that you helped implement into Marvel’s Avengers?
Games are collaborations amongst developers. In my role, I’m lucky to have gotten to work closely with almost everyone on the team, across various studios, which has been a treat.
5. What do you wish everyone knew about game development?
People compare games to movies, looking for “the big director, or the big screenwriter.” The analogy is close, but ONLY if you really focus on EVERY ROLE in a game team, like key costumes, set construction, audio, editing, production design, security, legal, camera work, craft services, location scouting, contract negotiating, lighting, carpentry… You get my point. A finished game is the result of the contributions of everyone involved, all of which give shape and substance to the final experience.
6. What is your favorite thing about working at Crystal Dynamics?
I get to work with some seriously talented, funny, and smart people where we make “pretend experiences” for people to play as a break from “real life.” It’s a gift.
7. Can you give our community a hint at what you’re currently working on?
Everything on our current roadmap, and beyond…
8. If you could give a prospective future Crystal Dynamics employee one bit of advice, what would it be?
Treat game development like a craft, not just a job. A development team, at its best, is a collection of highly skilled and talented people who are choosing to work together to create something bigger than they could on their own. Like musicians in an orchestra vs. in a band, or solo on the street. They all make music, but the scale of the team allows for different creations. Folks coming to Crystal should be craftspeople, intent to bring their ever-evolving talents to bear to the greater team, to make something together beyond anything we could make by ourselves.
9. Who are your heroes?
Such a broad question… is this in real life or fictional? I’ll set real life aside for a moment, although that is where true heroism can be found and is needed…. Fictionally, it is Sherlock Holmes, Optimus Prime, and Steve Rogers.
10. What are the characteristics/qualifications you look for in teammates (or if you’re a hiring manager)
Introspection, candor, talent.
11. Anything you want to say to our community?
I appreciate the focus and scrutiny on our game from everyone playing. I spend a lot of time in the Reddit and Discord making sure I know what people are seeing and saying, and will try to make sure that we double down on things people enjoy, and improve the things that people think are trash. ?
The Spring Sale continues! The sale brings 35% off of many outfits, and daily discounts on select items. If you’ve been waiting on a cosmetic, now’s the time to purchase!
Turn down the lights and watch the neon glow, because the second batch of Monatomic Outfits have arrived! This week brings the Monatomic Outfits for Clint Barton, Thor, Hulk, and Black Widow. The Monatomic outfits are a full set for all currently released Heroes, so if you want a full matching ensemble, make sure to pick them all up!
The next installment of the Temporal Assault Animated Nameplate set is also here! This week features those for Captain America, Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, and Kate Bishop.
Attention, Black Widow fans: add her Outrider Outfit to your collection and take on the bad guys in a classy-casual style. With a leather jacket and slick shades, this smart aviator-inspired look will have you fashionably battle-ready.
We heard you liked Takedowns. So we added two new ones this week: Captain America’s Let’s Take This to the Ring, and Hulk’s A Kick for Good Measure!
This week’s free Marketplace offering is Kate Bishop’s KB069 Nameplate! Be sure to pick it up!
The Marketplace is a place for us to feature purchasable cosmetics in the form of Outfits, Emotes, Takedowns, and Nameplates. The Marketplace’s Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary items rotate weekly, and can be purchased with Credits.
Community Challenge
Team up with the global player base to meet mega-goals and unlock rewards.
Goal: Kill 15,000,000 Drones
Reward: 500 Units
Community Spotlight
Check out this week’s community spotlight, featuring some moody shots of Clint Barton! Because cool guys don’t look at explosions, or cameras.
Digital photography by Tompritch101
Digital Photography by nerd_verse
Digital photography by Gayming_Avenger
Priority Missions have modifiers that will challenge even the toughest Super Hero. Your first weekly completion of these missions earns you unique gear you won’t find anywhere else.
Global Presence
Minimum Power Level 25, +3 Power Level Offset
- Heavyweight
- Capacitor
- Overshield
Guaranteed Reward: Epic Gear
Private Eye
Minimum Power Level 120, +5 Power Level Offset
- Maelstrom
- Goliath
- Oasis
- Scourge
Guaranteed Reward: Polychoron & Hero-Specific Gear
Priority HARM Room Challenges have additional modifiers and reward comics that increase your collection and boost your stats.
Weekly First Completion Reward: Thor: God of Thunder (2012) #3
Minimum Power Level 15 Challenge
- Oasis
- Torpedo
Minimum Power Level 100 Challenge, +5 Power Level Offset
- Pressure
- Torpedo
- Collider
Mega Hives are temporarily disabled until we fix a few bugs, including one that is preventing progression. We hope to have them back up very soon. Until then, the Weekly Priority Mission will temporarily drop gear you would normally find in a Mega Hive as an alternative. We’ll let you know once we re-enable Mega Hives.